Meet our Minister
Rev. Catherine Bliss

Greetings Beautiful Spirits and welcome to Center for Spiritual Living
Greater Dayton.
We are an inclusive spiritual organization. We teach
qualities and values like oneness, compassion and love. We honor you,
and all people, wherever we are on our spiritual journeys.
Science of Mind® is our core teaching that integrates spiritual truths with
science and physics. Simply put, Science of Mind teaches the unity of all
life. Intentions and ideas flow through a field of consciousness, which
actually affects and creates the world around us. In Science of Mind, we
believe that the secret to living a successful life is to consciously choose
positive and productive thoughts; as we think, so it is we become.
I am delighted to be here with you exploring the powerful teachings of the
Science of Mind and Spirit, founded by Ernest Holmes. As the licensed
minister of Center for Spiritual Living Greater Dayton, I am filled with a
sense of fulfillment and great expectancy as our ministry unfolds and
expands. I live life with joy and love, dedicated to practicing and living
spiritual principles and sharing the Science of Mind philosophy with the
Thank you for checking us out on our website and we look forward to
seeing you very soon.
Our Vision
To awaken to the Spiritual Magnificence of Ourselves,
our One Humanity and our Planet Earth.
To awaken to the Spiritual Magnificence of Ourselves, our One Humanity and our Planet Earth.
Our Mission
To Transform Ourselves and thus Transform
the World.
To Transform Ourselves and thus Transform the World.
Our Purpose
We are a Community of Love that supports
all people in experiencing transformation.
We are a Community of Love that supports all people in experiencing transformation.